Dorte Jelstrup and Kathrine Ærtebjerg won the Open Call at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, Denmark, with the exhibition project Writings of Bodies <<< We Know It From The Inside >>>. The exhibition will be held November 30, 2019, till January 5, 2020, at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The exhibition Writings of Bodies <<< We Know It From the Inside >>> takes its philosophical starting point in the legendary and ecstatic core text of Helene Cixous "The Laugh of The Medusa" from 1976, where Cixous emphasizes the overriding centrality of the fact that women write and creatively give shape to their bodily based experiences in textual artifacts, thus also in visual artworks.
Participating artists:
Ursula Reuter Christiansen, Jeannette Ehlers, Dorte Jelstrup, Kirsten Justesen, Sophia Kalkau, Stense Andrea Lind-Valden, Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Elisabeth Toubro, Maria Wæhrens, Kathrine Ærtebjerg.
Writings of Bodies <<< We Know It From the Inside >>> is curated by Dorte Jelstrup and Kathrine Ærtebjerg.
Dorte Jelstrup. I kept myself open towards you, II, 2014/2015. Acrylic, pigment and satin ribbons on linen. 99 x 70 cm.